The Top 10 Healthiest Dog Breeds That Don’t Shed
Most people wish to possess a dog, but typically the thought
of getting dog hair all over clothes and furnishings can be too much. On top of
that some people want to own dogs, but have dog allergies and having a dog that
sheds can make that a huge problem.
Luckily, it just so happens that there are a few types of
dogs that our hypoallergenic,
don’t shed, and are very healthy as pets! Below you’ll see the top 10 healthiest
dog breeds that don’t shed. See these Corgi Colors
1. Maltese
Maltese are known to be very easy going and playful. They’re
social with humans and other dogs. They’re a very healthy breed and they range
from 7 – 12 lbs. Maltese can also be very easy to train.
2. Labradoodle
Labradoodle’s are very smart and popular breeds. Families
love Labradoodle’s because they’re a low maintenance dog. Clearly, from the
name, you can tell that they’re a cross between a Labrador and a Poodle. Size
can vary on this breed and they can be small to large. Labradoodle’s are also
incredibly easy to train. This makes them number 2 on our top 10 list of health
dog breeds that don’t shed.
3. Portuguese Water Dog
This breed is known to very obedient and they don’t shed. President
Obama owned 2 of these dogs when living in the white house. They’re number 3 on
our Health Dog Breeds List.
4. Shih Tzu
They’re very loyal, friendly and cute! Shih Tzu’s love to
play and they are easy to train. They don’t shed either which makes them great if
you’re concerned about dogs that don’t shed. Shih Tzu are also know to sneeze. Here are some home remedies for sneezing dog
5. Wheaten Terrier
Originating from Ireland, the Wheaten Terrier is a pure breed
terrier. They do shed just a little bit which is probably unnoticeable. Wheaten
terries are known to love and cuddle! They’re known to be a very healthy dog
6. Scottish Terrier
Scottish Terrier’s are known to be fast and alert. Originally,
when they were breeding Scottish Terrier’s they trained to hunt and kill rats
on farms. Although they’re skilled hunter they’re a very health dog breed that doesn’t
shed. These are known to be Hyper dogs. Some reader mentioned using CBD for hyper dogs often with a scottish terrier.
7. Havanese
The small Cuban puppy! Havanese dogs don’t shed and they
love to play. They are bright, lively and a small breed. They’re healthy and
don’t shed.
8. Bichone Frise
Bichone Frise is a small breed of dog from the United States.
They’re have a white powder cooler with puffy hair. They’re one of the sweetest
and most loving dog breed.

9. Tibetan Terrier
Tibetan Terrir’s are a medium side breed who is physical and
playful. They don’t shed and are suitable for many living environments.

10. Poodle
Poodle’s are faithful dogs that come from small to mid-size.
They’re playful and very alert and they’re perfect for you if you’re living in
an apartment.
They love cuddling and can be very easy to train!

Thank you for reading our blog about Healthiest Dog Breeds That Don't Shed! If you do have a dog that sheds or has hair loss check out Paws Elite's article about Trusted Dog Hair Loss Home Remedies.